It is a collaborative process between the adult person with a disorder of the nervous system, their immediate family and carers and the supportive team of therapists and doctors to enable the person to have the best life possible within their own community. Our training allows us to understand the pathology and prognosis of the condition and their impact on normal functioning. Together with the person we are able to determine appropriate goals and the easiest ways of achieving them.


The NRPG works towards providing leadership in this SIG - current, evidence based information and access to training to allow our members to provide optimum neurological rehabilitation relevant to our South African circumstances.

*INPA Membership*
NRPG members will now automatically also have membership with the International Neuro Physiotherapy Association (INPA) as of 2021. We voted to use our accumulated funds to pay for membership. So we have access to all their resources and we are in the process of building more international relationships in the hope of sharing resources and expertise but also to provide our members with possible international exposure.

*CPD activities*
There are CPD activities nearly every month. We alternate between running our journal club, doing research presentations and other neuro-related webinars and courses. As an NRPG member you will receive discount on courses and webinars. Journal Club and Research. Presentations are free to members! We plan to organise face to face and online courses next year and advertise relevant neuro-related courses in the country from our associate bodies. Members can look forward to collaboration with other SASP SIG's in future for more integrated CPD learning activities.

Every year the committee organises the Annual General Meeting where we provide feedback on what the SIG has done during that year, including how we manage our finances. There is also a free talk associated with this and we try to do an ethics talk at the AGM.

The NRPG has access to marketing materials that we can make available to our members. We try to raise awareness on the role of physiotherapy, especially in neuro-rehab.

*Research Bursary*
If you are planning to study further in future, the NRPG has just voted on increasing its research funding capacity and can offer up to R5000 bursary to successful applicants. Applications are done through Head Office.

*Development of Neuro-Physio in SA*
The SASP needs a neuro-rehab SIG that has a strong group of members as we represent neuro-physiotherapy on an official level for the SASP. We are approached for input when SASP is assisting government in developing rehabilitation guidelines, for example. We play a big role in both public and private health spheres. We will also be looking into developing an APDL2 course somewhere in the future for neuro-physiotherapy to offer an additional level of qualification for physios specialising in neuro-rehab.

*Part of the Family*
We are a lovely bunch of people and would love to have you as part of the family!
Perhaps you would even be keen to be part of the committee some time or a provincial Rep?


NRPG committee

Chairperson: Rehan Hall
Treasurer: Audrey Mallett
Secretary: Simone Thompson
Member (CPD/catering/gifts): Heleen van Wyk
Member (INPA liaison/education): Gakeemah Inglis-Jassiem
Member (Education - journal clubs/tech support): Adnil Titus
Member (Public Relations/marketing): Thandi Conradi
Member (At large): Thameenah Solomons



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