Don’t hold your breath

Give your brain the oxygen it needs!

If you wake up tired and unrested, with a headache, dry mouth or sore throat, you might have sleep apnoea.

If you are often so sleepy in the day that your head almost drops to your desk, you might have sleep apnoea.

If you have difficulty concentrating or trying to remember things, if you’re often irritable or moody, you might have sleep apnoea,

Sleep apnoea is a disorder that interrupts your breathing and raises your risk of stroke, heart attack and other serious conditions.

Ask your physiotherapist where the nearest sleep clinic is and get tested!

Exercise is the key to good health and refreshing sleep. Speak to your physiotherapist if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnoea.

Singing and yelling are good for your throat muscles and can help you sleep better – bet you didn’t know that! Speak to your physiotherapist about targeted exercise if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnoea.

Your physiotherapist can tailor-make an exercise programme that will help you reduce your risk!



