The PAIN MANAGEMENT PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP (PMPG) of the South African Society of Physiotherapy is a Special Interest Group established to promote the evidence based management of people experiencing acute and chronic pain through education, collaboration and the support of research.

We want to improve the care of patients who are suffering from pain and to provide a forum for people who have an interest in pain. Pain is common to many different areas of physiotherapy practice therefore the group is made up of a very diverse group of physiotherapists. There are many problems that have been identified in the management of pain both at the acute and chronic levels and the group is a space for the sharing of experiences, the study of evidence-based pain interventions and processes and for help in the application of new skills into clinical practice.

The mission of the PMPG is:

  1. To provide education on the concepts of pain, physiology of pain, the principles of assessment, measurement and management of people experiencing acute and chronic pain to:
    • Physiotherapists
    • Healthcare professionals
    • The public
  1. To facilitate collaboration among professional groups involved in the management of pain
  2. To disseminate information on evidence based physiotherapy management of people experiencing acute and chronic pain through the worldwide web and the media


  • Become part of a network with other physiotherapists interested in pain
  • Option to study towards the APDL2 qualification: National Pain Course (see www.pmpg.co.za for more information)
  • Online journal club (with CPD accreditation)
  • Membership of the Facebook group (closed group) which allows for sharing of latest research and developments in pain management in South Africa and be able to share ideas on a discussion platform
  • Access to resources on the group website
  • Option to be involved with provincial committees and plan activities for the group
  • Subscription to Pain SA journal
  • Links and information regarding National (Pain SA) and International (IASP) events and membership of these
  • Access to education/research funding for pain-related topics


“Pain” physiotherapy input crosses over all areas of physiotherapy, whether it be a patient with chronic low back pain; a stroke patient suffering with neuropathic pain; a woman suffering from pelvic pain resulting from childbirth or surgical procedures; a burns patient; a hands patient with CRPS; or children.  The list is endless.  At some point in their life most patients will have an encounter with pain which provides an unpleasant experience for them and all of these people can benefit from well trained “pain” physio input. “Pain” physiotherapy is not just about educating the person with chronic lower back pain about “Explain Pain”. “Pain” physiotherapy is about having an up to date understanding about the neurophysiology of pain so as to supplement all other physiotherapy modalities with good quality patient education, enhancing the efficacy of what we all are doing on a daily basis.

Chairman:   Brett Mason
Treasurer:   Waseela Dadabhay
Secretary:   Lindie Pool
PR/Marketing:   Henning-John Meyer

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