The SASP has established a peer review process as a self-regulatory mechanism to educate and advise members of appropriate conduct and resolve complaints amicably, where possible. The peer review process is conciliatory in nature in an attempt to resolve as many complaints as possible satisfactorily between complainants and members of the SASP without recourse to the law or referral to the HPCSA. Physiotherapists are, therefore, encouraged to cooperate fully with the Peer Review Committee (PRC) and, if indicated, meet with the complainant in order to resolve the matter through open discussion. The PRC will, however, refer cases of serious misconduct to the HPCSA.

Since membership of the SASP is voluntary, complaints may only be investigated in relation to its members. Complaints against non-members of the SASP will therefore not be entertained unless non-members subject themselves to this process. Otherwise complainants will be advised to submit their complaints to the PPB Professional Board.

  • All complaints must be lodged in writing and addressed to the Deputy President of the SASP –;
  • All complaints must be supported by comprehensive documentation containing full details of the complaint
  • All complaints received will be dealt with in the strictest confidence