Please note: You have two options to lodge a complaint against a physiotherapist. The complaint can be lodged to the SASP which is the Professional Body representing the majority of physiotherapists in South Africa or the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) which is the regulatory body in South Africa. The SASP can only accept complaints against our members. The peer review process is mediatory in nature and serves to educate and advise the members. The HPCSA ( has the authority to take punitive action such as a fine or to suspend or to strike the individual concerned off the role.


Contact details of the complainant

Contact details of the respondent physiotherapist

You are expected to provide the Peer Review Committee (PRC) with a comprehensive explanation of the complaint by providing the necessary information which will expedite correct interpretation of the rules and regulations laid down by the HPCSA.

Success! Your complaint has been submitted.